Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stability vs Infinite Chaos

me: Ugh. Are you less than happy?
 berstff27: I'm fine. I already said that.
9:28 AM me: I know. But you say that sometimes and you're actually not
9:29 AM berstff27: Then you don't share my idea of fine.
9:30 AM me: No, before you said you occassionally say fine and you aren't.
9:31 AM berstff27: Then I don't share my idea of fine. What difference does it make?
9:32 AM me: Internal stability should be the first stability you aim for
9:33 AM berstff27: What is virtuous about internal stability?
9:34 AM me: Stability is inherent virtuous, because stability can last when other things cant
  Because in a temporary world stability is eternal
9:35 AM berstff27: Randomness can be eternal. The digits of pi do not end.
 me: But the digits of pi are not random
  A circle is a circle and is similar to every circle

15 minutes
9:51 AM berstff27: Even if the value of pi were constantly changing what difference does it make?
 me: Then not even math would be stable
  Not even logic
 berstff27: So?
9:52 AM me: So then reason would be meaningless
  Maths stability, pi's stability, gives math and logic meaning
9:53 AM berstff27: You act as though reason is meaningful now. But what good has it done us? Ameobas are probably better life forms than us. Or maybe electrons or some inanimate thing.
9:54 AM me: Not the ability to reason, no, I don't care about that. I'm talking about reason as in, the logos that drives all things
9:56 AM berstff27: Again so what? Why is chaos bad? That what I was talking about. Ameobas and electrons both have increasing chaotic lives than us.
10:00 AM me: I think the idea is that electrons, temporarily yes, are chaotic. But over time they are quite stable
10:01 AM Enough that electron clouds are like, 99% accurate
10:02 AM berstff27: From the electrons perspective everything chaotic
10:05 AM me: Is that true? I mean, aren't your personal frames well defined, everything else is just uncertain in comparison?
  I mean, an electron might as well think it has zero velocity
10:06 AM And that the nucleus is moving fast
 berstff27: Yeah and the nucleus is flying about chaoticly
10:07 AM me: Yes. And over time even that could be seen as being predictable, if the electron cared to look at any sort of reference frame that would allow for stability
10:08 AM berstff27: There would be no such reference frame.
  And its all beside the point. There could be complete chaos and I'm saying I don't care
10:09 AM me: Ok. That's fine, but that's silly.
 berstff27: Why?
10:12 AM me: Because stability is good - it's the only thing that makes time not completely in control of our lives
 berstff27: Why is control good?
10:15 AM me: It may not be. But control by another thing, especially something as arbitrary as time, certainly isn't preferable to non control
10:16 AM Because with such randomness, things like love, things that do mean something to us, are worthless
10:17 AM berstff27: Obviously. True chaos isn't even existence or nonexistence. Its just a happening.
10:19 AM me: I know. One moment to the next, life wouldn't exist (as life is defined by ability to react); neither would science
 berstff27: Yep

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